What are the inclusions of the booking?
Breakfast meals for the total number of persons per room
Free use of all hotel and resorts amenities including sports activities (volleyball, basketball badminton, archery, and practice golf; depending on availability)
Secured Parking
What is the Check-In and Check-Out time?
Check-In: 2:00PM
Check-Out: 11:00AM
Are early check-in and late check-outs allowed?
This will depend on the availability of rooms. The resort may charge an additional fee per succeeding hour.
Is the additional bed/persons available on all rooms? How much will it be?
Currently, Additional Beds are only available for Cabana Rooms. Additional Bed rate is at Php 1,000/person per night, this includes breakfast and use of all hotel and resorts amenities.
For Hotel Rooms, Additional Person rate is at Php 800/person per night, inclusive of breakfast and use of all hotel and resorts amenities.
How to book?
Please call our hotline for direct bookings: +63 927 027 1128 | +63 968 856 2181
Email us: reservations@winwinhotelandresorts.com
What are your MOP or mode of payments?
Cash or Bank Transfer ONLY
Are we allowed to bring food and beverages?
Yes, with corkage fee depending on the amount of food you are bringing; we allow chips(without corkage)
CORKAGE FEE ranges from:
min Php50 up to Php1,500 per bottle for drinks,beverages,and liquors but request of ice from the bar will be charged minimally.
min Php200 up to Php500 per type of food or viand (ulam).
corkage fee ranges from:
We highly discourage bringing of outside food and drinks inside our facility, thus we have an in-house restaurant for your convenience.
Is cooking/grilling allowed in the resort?
STRICTLY NO COOKING/GRILLING inside the resort. The management have the right to refund unruly guests.
Our in house restaurant offers these services for your convenience:
Cooking/Grilling Charge: Php150/kg
Reheating Charge: Php100/kg
Are photoshoots allowed? (Pre-nup/Pre-Debut)
We require at least 1 Deluxe Cabana to be booked by the guest.
What is your safety protocol during this pandemic?
ALL GUESTS are required to fill out the health declaration form.
Guest will undergo temperature checks.
Everyone will be required to use face mask at all times while staying on common areas.
All rooms are sanitized through cleaning and fog disinfection
Number of guests inside the resort is limited.
Winwin Hotel and Resorts welcomes responsible pet owners. We accommodate maximum of 2 small and tamed pets per room or cabana with surcharge fee of Php 500 per pet per night.
Any fouling in bedrooms, public areas, and grounds must be cleaned up immediately. Failure to do so will result in penalty payment of Php 2,000 - Php 5,000. There is a Php 5,000 cleaning fee, determined solely by management, for a room left in unsatisfactory condition.
Damage to rooms fixtures, furnishing, and equipment including the removal of electronic equipment, towels, artwork, etc. will be charged at 100% full and new replacement value plus any shipping and handling charges.
Any costs associated with repairs and/or replacement will be charged to the account of the registered guest.
Damage to mattresses and linen including; towels, mattress pads, sheets, doors, lampshade, bedspreads, blankets resulting from the pet, etc. will result in a charge for the special cleaning, repair or replacement of the damaged article. Minimum cost of Php 2,500 to Php 10,000.